El próximo miércoles 16 de Noviembre a las 14.00h se celebrará online un ESDA DESIS Café. Organizado desde el ESDA DESIS Lab, somos anfitriones y estamos TODOS invitados.
DESIS CAFÉ es un lugar virtual abierto donde compartir experiencias y debatir de modo informal sobre Diseño para la Innovación Social y al que pueden acudir más de 50 laboratorios de escuelas de diseño con DESIS Labs en todo el mundo. Vendrán también Ezio Manzini, fundador de DESIS, y nuestra querida Teresa Franqueira, coordinadora internacional de DESIS y que ya estuvo con nosotros en los ESDA Social Design Days el pasado mes de mayo.
Podrás unirte a través del link de ZOOM que aparece en la página de DESIS: https://www.desisnetwork.org/2022/11/04/save-the-date-desis-cafe-hosted-by-esda-desis-lab-from-zaragoza-spain/
16th November 2022 at 13.00 UTC – DESIS Café hosted by ESDA DESIS Lab from Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón in Zaragoza, Spain. DESIS Café is a virtual place where DESIS Labs can meet and talk about their activities, expectations, thoughts, research, projects, etc. It’s a place to reinforce connections within the community and exchange knowledge about good practices and difficulties of projects, and actions. Their message for this DESIS Café is we have come to learn: “We are DESIS just from last April, this year 2022. Probably, one of the youngest DESIS Lab hosting a DESIS Café. You know, as it happens, “ignorance is bliss”.
We understand DESIS is meant to establish relations and find people and schools from all over the world who are doing something similar but in different contexts, and we want to start cooperating from scratch!” They also want to present a proposal to the DESIS Community and to foster debate: a prompt discussion on several issues which emerge from the problems we are dealing with or facing in our daily practice of tuition on Social Design or Design for Social Innovation. Among them: why we do this; Does it make sense DI vs/+ DSI today?; Parachuting problem; CURRICULA limitations; Interculturality and Organizational problems.