The Aragon School of Design participates as a collaborator in this summer course in Italy.
The course will take place from Saturday 26 July to Sunday 3 August 2014 in the extraordinary city of Cortona (Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy). The course will focus especially on interior designers and product designers, but is open to all.
The logic will be to use 3D as an instrument that needs the "eye of the photographer".
During the workshop, the participants will develop individually or in groups an architectural project, inserted in the context of the city of Cortona, which responds to the current needs of the city council.
During the first four days of the Workshop (from Saturday to Tuesday), a 2428-hour 3D course will be held (there will be two levels, basic and advanced), which will provide the tools and techniques necessary for the realisation and representation of the project.
The software to be used will be "Open Source", i.e. free and multiplatform (Mac or PC). Blender3D will be used in English, although it is possible to install it in Spanish.
We will teach quick modelling, model making, lighting and texturing, followed by retouching and rendering with gimp. The aim is to produce a "photographer's eye" representation of the project and not just a three-dimensional image.
Software to be used:
Blender 3D. The course will focus mainly on this extremely powerful and versatile 3D modelling software. It allows us to create complex and sophisticated models. From this program we can control lights, materials, video cameras and create materials such as grass or fluids, which are very difficult to obtain with other software. Both images and high quality videos can be made.
Gimp: photo retouching software analogous to Photoshop but Open Source. The images produced with the rendering (and the photographs) must INEVITABLY be manipulated with this software to obtain quality results...
The logic is, as has been the basis of the courses developed at the Politecnico di Milano for years, LEARN TO PROJECT WHILE LEARNING TO USE THE INSTRUMENT.
The project is linked and conditioned to the tool used for its development and these must be studied together.
In addition to choosing between the basic or advanced Blender 3D course, there is also a third option available, especially for the Product Design speciality: collaboration with a laboratory in the design department. http://www.phycolab.polimi.it/ where prototypes of "smart things" with LEDs and RFID tags will be made, students of product design could be interested in this, instead of the 3D courses, a series of students will make these prototypes and then participate with the architects in the design of the project...
From Thursday to Saturday we will work according to the philosophy of the workshops. There will be project reviews, small external interventions on some specific arguments of the project and of the rendering and photoshooting in the streets of Cortona, to develop the aforementioned "photographer's eye" and to understand the problems of architectural photography. We will study all that is necessary to know in order to produce renderings that are not a mere reproduction of the model but a valid interpretation of the quality of the project.
Participants are required to bring their own laptop. Free software will be provided and participants will be taught how to take advantage of all the possibilities it offers depending on the realisation of the project. No "expired" software will be used, but free versions that allow the student to use it when he/she has finished his/her studies and enters the labour market without the need to buy a licence.
- Saturday 26 7: Arrival, reception and first class.
- Sunday 27 7: Software classes
- Monday 28 7: Software classes
- Tuesday 297 : Software classes
- Wednesday 307 Start of Workshop and conferences
- Thursday 317 : Workshop
- Friday 18: Workshop
- Saturday 28th : Workshop
- Sunday 38 : Final day; presentation of the projects and awards ceremony.
Indicative prices:
The students of the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón have a discount of 50% in courses (no, in the accommodation).
- Full course + workshop will be 250€.
Accommodation, breakfast and dinner at the historic Hostal San Marco in Cortona for 180€. - 3D course (from 28 7 or from 29 7 to 31 7) 150 €.
Workshop (from 1 8 to 4 8) 100€.
Accommodation, breakfast and dinner at Hotel Sabrina from 26 7 to 3 8 for 150€ (approx.)
Registration and information
mail: cortonaopen3d@gmail.com
website: www.cortonaopen3d.wix.com/2014
facebook: facebook.com/Cortonaopen3d
hostel: www.cortonahostel.com
hotel: www.hotelsabrinacortona.it
Cortona mix festival www.mixfestival.it
We encourage you to participate!