The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, ESDA is organising the competition to design the image of the IV edition of the COrtonaOPen3D 2015 course.
COrtonaOPen 3D is a workshop on the theme of Smart City Design that will take place from 1 to 9 August in Cortona (Arezzo, Italy); in the course you will learn how to use the open source software, Blender 3D, and at the same time you will realise a project.
The working environment and the city of Cortona and its surroundings offer a unique and exceptional area for the production of intelligent objects and spaces, in a traditional context, far from the big cities. Smart is the concept we need to change the way we design, look around us and understand our surroundings, and at the same time dialogue with them.
The theme of the fourth edition is "with your head in the clouds", which does not mean being distracted. Thinking in the clouds can be very useful for developing the imagination, finding inspiration and training our sense of observation, all of which are necessary to carry out a good project.
Thinking about clouds can help us to realise something that goes beyond our immediate proximity and thus come into direct contact with a global environment.
More info: www.facebook.com/Cortonaopen3D www.cortonaopen3d.com
1. Objective
The competition aims to select an identity image for the fourth edition of the COrtonaOPen 3D course. This image will be composed of a logo, consisting of the text "con la testa tra la nuvola" (with the head in the clouds), the slogan of this edition, and an imagotype. This corporate identity will identify the workshop for all the actions carried out to promote the course (publications, web, advertising, etc ...).
2. Participants
The competition is open to all students of the ESDA -Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón- and all students of the Politecnico di Milano, enrolled in the 2014/2015 academic year. Each participant can submit a maximum of two proposals.
Participation can be on an individual or group basis.
3. Prize
A single prize of €300 will be awarded to the winner.
4. Presentation
The presentation will be made via e-mail, sending an e-mail before the 31st of May to the following e-mail address: administracion@esda.es indicating as the title of the message: CORTONA CONTEST. The message must include name and surname, ID number, e-mail address and telephone number.
A .pdf file will be attached to the message, which will include the visual identity in full colour, greyscale and its adaptation to a circle of 7.5 cm in diameter. The winner undertakes to send, after the jury's decision, the native .ai file (Adobe Illustrator CS5) with the vector image and the rest of the relevant graphic information.
5. Jury
The selection of the winning project will be made by a panel composed of Gianluca Emilio Ennio Vita (Professor at the Facoltà di Architettura e Società of the Politecnico di Milano), a personalities from the Italian design world (to be confirmed) and Estefanía Moreno (Professor of Graphic Design at the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, ESDA).
The decision of the selection board is final. The competition may be declared void.
The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, ESDA is organising this competition to design the identity of the IV edition of the COrtonaOPen3D 2015 course.
COrtonaOPen 3D is a workshop on the theme of Smart City Design that will take place from 1 to 9 August in Cortona (Arezzo, Italy), where you will learn to use the open source software, Blender 3D, while making a project.
L'area of work is the city of Cortona and its surrounding areas, an exceptional cornice for the production of "smart" objects and spaces, in a traditional context, far from the large urban areas. Smart is the necessary concept to change our way of planning, to protect the territory, to understand its needs and to dialogue with it.
The theme of this fourth edition is "with our heads in the clouds" (which does not mean being distracted). Thinking outside the box can be very useful to develop our imagination, find inspiration, and to strengthen our sense of observation, all of which are necessary to develop a good project.
Thinking ahead can help you to do something that goes beyond the local level, in order to enter into direct contact with a global environment.
More information www.facebook.com/Cortonaopen3D www.cortonaopen3d.com
1. Obbiettivo del concorso
The competition intends to select a'visual identity for the fourth edition of COrtonaOPen 3D.
It will be composed by a logo (text "con la testa tra la nuvola" slogan of this edition) and an imagotype. This identity is the identification of the workshop in all the actions related to it (publications, web, advertising, etc ...).
2. I partecipanti
The competition is open to all students of ESDA (Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón) and all students of the Politecnico di Milano enrolled in the academic year 2014/2015. Each competitor can submit a maximum of two designs. The proposals can be presented individually or in groups.
3. Prize
A single prize of € 300 has been established for the winner. It will appear on the list of winners of the IV edition of Cortona Open 3D.
4. Presentation of proposals
The presentation will be made via e-mail, sending an e-mail to administracion@esda.es until 31 May 2015, indicating the object of the contest CONCURSO CORTONA. In the body of the e-mail, please include your name, identity card number, e-mail address and telephone number. A .pdf file will be sent which will include the complete visual identity in colour, in grey scale and the attachment to a 7,5 cm diameter frame. The author(s) of the winning proposal will then send a vectorized .ai file (Adobe Illustrator CS5) with all the graphic information.
5. Valutazione
The selection of the winning project will be made by a jury made up of Gianluca Emilio Ennio Vita (Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Society of the Politecnico di Milano), a personalities of the Italian design world (to be confirmed) and Estefania Moreno (Professor of Graphic Design ESDA). The jury's decision is final. The competition can be declared null and void.