
1st Umalas Beer Competition

Published on 13 February 2018

The prizes consist of a factory tour, beer and a €200 cash prize.

This initiative aims to stimulate the talent and creativity of young local artists.

The competition rules can be downloaded from their Facebook Fan page, which will close at the end of February.

The Limited Company Umalas Cocktails in collaboration with Cervecera La Rondadora, announces in competition the label design of the new Umalas beer aimed at local or national artists in accordance with the following


1.- The competition is open to visual artists and creators in the following disciplines: visual arts, graphic design, illustration or photography, of local or national residence, with each artist submitting one or as many works as he or she considers appropriate, it being an essential condition that the works be original.

2.- The closing date for receipt of posters for the competition is on TUESDAY 27 February at 22.00 h.

3.- The submission of originals to the competition will be made in digital format and by e-mail to the following address listed as subject "Umalas beer competition". and adding in the description Author's name, surname and contact number.

4.- The designs shall have the following specifications:

- Dimensions of 197mm high x 420mm long taking into account respecting a space of 50x50mm on one side to superimpose the text of the mandatory statements.

- Works should be sent at low resolution 72dpiPlease note that in case of being selected as the winner, an original copy must be submitted to 300dpi.

5.- The following texts shall be included in the originals submitted:

- Name of the beer: Beer Umalas Ginger Pepper Red Ale

6.- The designs may be executed by any process, bearing in mind that the reproduction of the winning label will be done in four-colour process, and will be printed on transparent polypropylene, with a dark bottle background.

7.- Gold, silver, phosphorescent and Pantone inks are excluded.

8.- The non-winning posters will not be used in any way for the benefit of the Umalas Cocktails S.L. company.

9.- The Limited Company Umalas Cocktails together with Cervecera La Rondadora will award the following prizes:

To the author/author of the winning design for the Umalas beer label

            - 200 in cash,

- A visit for two people to the Rondadora facilities in the Sobrarbe region with lunch included and one night's accommodation in a rural house.

- A case of Umalas beer.

And two second prizes consisting of:

  • From a crate of Umalas beer.

10.- The Selection Jury will be made up of:

- Umalas Cocktails team members

- members of La Rondadora brewery.

- Professionals in the plastic arts.

- Management of the distributor Bodegas Javier.

- Marketing Director at ESIC business school.

This Jury will be responsible for making the selection from among all the works submitted to the competition.

11.- The jury will take into account the following factors when evaluating each creation:

  • Conceptual and technical quality.
  • 2. Original and innovative character of the design.
  • 3. Ability to integrate and reproduce the design on transparent material.

12.- The Zaragoza-based company Umalas Cocktails S.L. reserves all the rights of material property and use of the winning design and the different elements that make it up, together or separately, as well as its manipulation to adapt it to the different advertising media. The winner waives all copyrights recognised by the current intellectual property legislation in favour of Umalas cocktails S.L., except for those that cannot be waived by the legislation itself. The contestants will be fully responsible for any claims that may arise of any nature presented by third parties regarding originality, similarities, copies, etc..., of the winning entry.

13.- Umalas Cocktails will publish the 10 finalist designs selected from those submitted to the Competition on its social networks in order to showcase the artists' work.

14.- The Jury will complete with its own criteria any omissions or doubts that may arise from the interpretation of these rules.

15.- The contestants accept full responsibility for the fact that there are no third party rights in the works submitted, and waive all claims for image rights.

16.- Participation in the present competition implies the full acceptance of these Rules.

