
Etopia launches 2 new calls Cesar

Published on 30 May 2018

Etopia Centro de Arte y Tecnología opens this May 15th two new CESAR calls, aimed at the creation of projects in the field of video art and experimental film and sound and music creation. The CESAR e-Fluxus and CESAR Sonido calls have a financial endowment for production and the selected projects will be able to use the equipment available in the CESAR laboratories at Etopia.

With these two calls for the production of artistic projects, the CESAR laboratories at Etopia aim to give visibility to local and national creators in these two fields, to stimulate artistic creation and, in general, innovation in art and culture, and to raise awareness of the laboratories themselves. For this reason, one of the great attractions of the CESAR calls is that they provide creators with the space and the privileged equipment that the laboratories have, as well as the technical, artistic and dissemination support that their projects require.

These two calls complete the CESAR Etopia Labs call for citizen science projects, which has already held two editions. In total, 20 citizen-driven projects in different technological and scientific fields have already benefited from this programme, which aims to promote collaborative knowledge and consolidate Etopia as a production centre for multidisciplinary projects.

The CESAR calls are possible thanks to the agreement signed between the University of Zaragoza and Zaragoza City Council, an agreement that allowed the implementation of 11 open laboratories, that is, accessible to the citizens as a whole.

Download the terms and conditions of the CESAR Sonido 2018 call for proposals

Download the CESAR e-Fluxus 2018 call for applications

Complete documentation CESAR Sound 2018

Complete documentation CESAR e-Fluxus 2018

