
Official Master's Degree in Artistic Education

Published on 14 May 2018

Master's Degree in Artistic Education

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From 1 to 20 June 2018.

From 1 to 15 July 2018.

Master's Degree in Artistic Education: Strategies of spatial and graphic creativity in ephemeral installations.

from 1 October 2017 to 30 June 2018. Annual, possibility of partial enrolment in 2 academic years.

60 ects.


The Master in Artistic Education: Strategies of spatial and graphic creativity in ephemeral installations, takes up the need to value multidisciplinary work in the world of design in a global way, generating a structure based on two major concepts:

a) To focus the Master's studies on the search for new codes of creativity based on methodological strategies that strengthen the concepts of interdisciplinarity and develop creative and innovative co-creation processes.

b) To approach ephemeral installations as a field of work within an interdisciplinary vision of design. The value placed on ephemeral installations as a field of research and development for design professionals means that this Master's proposal focuses on lines of research oriented towards broad fields of action.

The objectives of this Master's Degree will train students for a dynamic work situation, providing them with integration tools and innovative, creative and leadership work methodologies in design, within the field of ephemeral installations.

Thus, this Master's Degree aims to generate new collaboration and coworking processes from a global perspective of the creative process in today's work system.

To generate a territorial scope in which we are leaders in the creation and production of innovative ephemeral spaces.

In the national academic environment there is no academic offer of an "Official Master's Degree in Artistic Education", with these characteristics, with a strategic-creative focus, where attention is paid to the methodology with an interdisciplinary vision, applied to ephemeral spaces.

The general objective of the Master's Degree in Spatial and Graphic Creativity Strategies in Ephemeral Installations is the development of a design culture based on the promotion of creativity and innovation within a multidisciplinary field of work, with application in the field of graphic design and interior design.

To this end, students must face the professional challenge of design practice by handling the concepts of value, creation and practice. All this in order to transform the consideration of images, objects and spaces into research and provision of relations and structures, thus understanding design as a profession of entrepreneurs indicating the level of the economy, cultural regeneration and social welfare.

The master's degree will produce professionals versed in innovative concepts and experiences in the use of the latest technologies, and their integration in the fundamentals of design and spatial perception, facing the communication codes of such a markedly technological environment as the current one.

The credits of the Syllabus of the Master's Degree in Artistic Education: Strategies of Spatial and Graphic Creativity in Ephemeral Installations are structured as follows;

Number of enrolment credits per student per academic year.

The full Master's Degree is annual (60 ECTS) and face-to-face. Partial enrolment is possible and can be carried out in two academic years, this type of enrolment will always be duly justified by the student, and the faculty will decide on an individual basis, analysing the student's justification. The possibility of partial enrolment must be adapted to the ECTS of the corresponding semester.

A minimum number of credits is established for partial enrolment, which will be 30 ECTS in one academic year, with the remaining 30 ECTS in the following academic year.

Rules for permanence, enrolment modalities and calls for applications

The permanence in the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, is the one applicable to the norm that regulates the studies of Degree, given that from the school there is no specific permanence regulation of Master, adapting to the ORDER of 14 September 2011, of the Regional Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sport, which approves the syllabus of the higher artistic teachings of Degree in Music, Degree in Design and Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education and these teachings are implemented in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

The maximum time for the full programme is two academic years, and in the case of partial programmes, three academic years.

Each course will have three calls (June, September and January) of which only two can be attended.

There will be a last additional extraordinary call for cases of serious illness, accident, family or personal reasons of special gravity or for work-related reasons.

Each course will have three calls (June, September and January) of which only two can be taken.

As the Master's allows partial enrolment (two academic years), a minimum of 30 ECTS is established for the first enrolment, so that applying the rules of permanence, the student must pass 9 ECTS of the first period of their partial enrolment to ensure their permanence in the centre.

Access and admission of students

To access the Master's Degree in Spatial and Graphic Creativity Strategies in Ephemeral Installations, no special entrance exams will be held. However, it is compulsory to hold one of the following recognised qualifications;

Higher Degrees in Higher Artistic Education:

Specialisation in Interior Design
Specialisation in Graphic Design
Specialisation in Product Design

Other specialities;
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Degree in Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication
Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Other Bachelor's Degrees

It will be considered an indispensable requirement for those wishing to begin studies for this Master's degree to meet the following conditions;

- Creative capacity
- Basic knowledge of digital and manual tools for spatial-graphic representation.
- It is necessary to speak, write and understand Spanish in order to follow the course correctly.


Subject to the provisions of article 15 of Royal Decree 1614/2009 "Access to official Master's degree courses.

1. In order to access official Master's degree courses, it will be necessary to hold an official Higher Degree in Artistic Education, an official Graduate Degree or its equivalent issued by an institution of the European Higher Education Area that entitles the holder to access Master's degree courses in the country issuing the degree.

2. Graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may also gain access without the need to have their qualifications recognised, subject to verification by the competent educational administration that they accredit an equivalent level of training. Access by this route shall not imply, under any circumstances, the recognition of the previous qualification held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of taking the Master's degree.

In the case of graduates from outside the European Higher Education Area, the aforementioned regulations will be complied with.


Subject to the provisions of article 16 of Royal Decree 1614/2009 "Admission to official Master's degree courses.

1. Students may be admitted to a Master's degree in accordance with the specific requirements and merit assessment criteria which, where applicable, are specific to the Master's degree or are established by the competent educational administration.

2. Education authorities shall include admission procedures and requirements in the curriculum, which may include specific prior learning requirements in some disciplines.

3. These systems and procedures should include, in the case of students with specific educational needs arising from the disability status, appropriate services and support and counselling, which will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations".

For the admission of students to the Master's Degree, applicants must fill in the pre-registration form, which can be downloaded from the website, also available at the Secretary's Office of the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, together with their curriculum vitae, a portfolio and the academic qualifications they hold, together with their academic transcript.

The student's portfolio will be assessed by the Master's coordinator in accordance with the criteria established by the pedagogical coordination committee, made up of the heads of department, including the department of cultural activities, and the centre's management team together with the secretary, on the basis of the recommended entry profile.

A score of minimum 0 and maximum 10 will be established, in which the portfolios will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria;

0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points_ 0 points If the work submitted does not reflect any of the following points.
1 to 3 points_. The use of digital and manual tools for graphic-spatial representation.
1 to 3 points _ Creativity and originality of the work submitted.
1 to 2 points_. Communication skills.
2 points_. Two points will be added to the sum of the above, if the works presented have been developed in the field of ephemeral installations.

At the same time, the qualifications of the applicants will be assessed according to the following table;

The sum of the values obtained in the portfolio and in the qualification will determine the order of admission to the Master's degree.

In the event that the score obtained does not reach 5 points, the application will be rejected, on the understanding that the student does not have the minimum knowledge necessary to access the Master's Degree.

Holding one of the above qualifications is a requirement, but in no case does it imply direct access. The minimum skills and technical knowledge to be able to follow the course of the subjects and to be effective with the thematic blocks established in the syllabus must be demonstrated through the portfolio presented.

It is understood that the level required does not depend solely on the applicant's academic qualifications, but may have been acquired in other ways.

Note: Admission to the Master's Degree is determined by the evaluation of the portfolio presented by the applicant (up to 10 points) and the academic qualifications (up to 5 points, with 0 points for official university studies not directly related to the degree).

That is to say, there will not be any complementary training for the pupils, but rather homogeneous groups will be established in terms of their level of knowledge.

If one or more students have the same number of points, the order of preference will be established on the basis of their academic record.

In the event that the coincidence persists, the Coordinator and the Master's Director will proceed to interview the applicants; where the following aspects will be evaluated from 0 to 4:
0_Does not demonstrate any of the qualities to be assessed
1_Personal and professional motivation
2_Personal and professional motivation, communication skills
3_Personal and professional motivation, Communication skills, Work experience in the sector
4_Personal and professional motivation, Communication skills, Work experience in the sector, Experience in teamwork.

Students with specific educational needs derived from disability will have the support services of an academic advisor appointed by the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree, and the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies will be assessed.

Conditions or entrance examinations

The full Master's degree is annual (60 credits) and face-to-face. Partial enrolment and completion over two academic years is possible.

The maximum time for full enrolment is two academic years and in the case of partial enrolment three academic years.

Each course will have three calls (June, September and January) of which only two can be taken.

There will be an additional special last call for documented cases of serious illness, accident, family, personal or work-related reasons.

