To start the academic year 2019/20, the students of the 4th year of Graphic Design visited the exhibition "A console in the world of art". The subject Educational graphics and exhibition spaces counted on the company Trazacultura, responsible for the exhibition project, its design and production, which was kindly attended by its director Sergio Artiaga and its graphic designer (former ESDA student) Pablo Alonso. This is a first activity programmed in the subject by the teachers in charge, Nereida JIménez, Jorge Rueda and José Chávez.
Trazacultura shared with the students many professional details about the conception and production of this exhibition, which features original works and texts about the well-known console. For the contents Trazacultura worked with curator Carlota Santabárbara, who commissioned audiovisual and physical works from artists all over the world, which has meant a considerable production effort.
We thank Trazacultura We would like to thank them for their kind and selfless effort to be part of the learning process of our students, and Etopía for always welcoming us with open arms. We invite you to the exhibition that we will design in this subject for El cuarto espacio (Zaragoza Provincial Council hall) with this year's TFGs, in March.
We look forward to seeing you!