- Design for regeneration. Design for people, planet and prosperity. Cumulus Green 2020: For a New Circular Economy calls on all Cumulus students to submit their best work to help us achieve SDG 12 and foster a circular economy.
- Three submission categories: Products, Services, Systems.
- Judging criteria: Desirable, viable and feasible design(s); Evidence of a rigorous research process informing the design solution proposed; Innovative/novel solutions.
- 10,000 EUR prize pool.
- Endorsed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation with an international jury from academia and practice.
- Submission deadline: January 31, 2020.
For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact
If you are interested in entering the competition, please contact me so that I can provide you with the registration link and the ESDA code. Thank you. Eugenia Pérez de Mezquía, jefatura_relaciones@esda.es