On the 13th of December last, the Projecta'20 competition was held where the students made their defences in the ESDA auditorium to show the jury and all the attendees their proposals for the image and interventions in this year's Conference, which will be held on the 1st and 2nd of April.
This year 7 groups were presented, formed by members of the different specialities of the 3rd year students, after dazzling us with all their ideas and professionalism, the jury, formed by professionals such as Miguel Bielsa from Estudio Mique, David Vazquez from Espacio Sutil and Jorge Mata from Innovart; as well as Nereida J.Fuertes, Alberto Franco, Ana González and Ana Belén Barranco.
The results of the competition were:
1st Gropius Group (Elisa González, Reyes Portero, Héctor Vidal, Antea Bolsa, Noemi Pasini, Sara Gadea).
2nd Place: Cocretas Group (Ana Grigore, Catalin Morea, Inés Abad, Noemí García, Paloma Tomás, Sara Soriano, Sergio Alpuente)
3rd Place: Brainstorming Group (Garazi Ayuso, Almudena Domínguez, Paula Fernandez, Lucía Lanaspa, Alba Lorés, Dan-Andrei, Ian Velasco).
The list of winning posters is shown at the beginning of the news item in the order of the positions they have been placed in.