
Students of Social Design, COVID-19 and resilience.

Published on 21 May 2020

The COVID-19 confinement has forced us to rethink the work in the interdisciplinary subject of Social Design in 4th grade, which we started with the mothers and children of the Santo Domingo public school, located in the El Gancho neighbourhood of Zaragoza. Some work is still in progress, so we hope to be able to resume it soon.

Bearing in mind that the new normal is going to require resilience and more Social Design than ever, students have already generated some solutions to pressing needs that the new situation has created. In their own words:

  • "Taking into account the psychological repercussions of confinement, and the very personal ways of disconnection that exist, an action has been proposed, which consists of sharing some Art Therapy exercises on social networks, with the aim of providing a different tool for relaxation and connection with oneself. It is a series of simple exercises that can be done by children and adults alike". (Verónica Jaramillo)
  • "The 4th year students of the Social Design course have created an Instagram account (@cuanto_queda) focused on leisure and entertainment for the little ones, with the aim of brightening up these days. Every day of the week we upload a post dedicated to one of the themes: curiosities, games, recipes, illustrations or recommendations. We show you some of them". (Collective work: Adrián Herrero, Candela Rodríguez, Paloma Rodríguez, Vanessa Ruiz, Sonia Salas, María Seminario and Elisa Soria).
  • "My proposal consists of carrying out the tasks that the people who live in my village and the surrounding villages cannot do, this means going to the supermarket, bakery, tobacconist or pharmacy and also taking them to the medical centre if they need it. In these turbulent times it is time that we all support each other and even more so in places like my village as the vast majority of the population are elderly people" (Fernando Garasa). He has done this through the platform FRENA LA CURVA:

