
"Cecilia Casas, The Art of Social Engagement".

Published on 8 June 2020

Professor Cecilia Casas Romero has completed a training course at Chelsea College of Art in London: "The art of Social Engagement

5-day course, 22-26 July 2019

Mobility funded by Erasmus+

1. Video:

2. Link to news on the UAL website:

This Erasmus mobility has been good for several reasons. On the one hand, for the professional development of Professor Cecilia Casas who is coordinating an line of research on social design issues at ESDA and which is related to the content of the short course she has taken. On the other hand, it has implied a direct benefit for the students, as Cecilia has implemented this knowledge in practical teaching. In addition, this has been an opportunity to share and make contacts with the Chelsea College of Art in London and to be able to start research relations between the two institutions. We have also thought of sharing knowledge in other ways, such as inviting them to give lectures and participate in the Design Conferences that we hold at ESDA. 

One of the objectives has been to establish an international collaboration between the ESDA (Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón) and the UAL, specifically the Chelsea College of Art. We have increased our educational quality, making possible a training mobility for Professor Cecilia Casas in one of the best design schools at an international level.

(Versión en Español)

 Professor Cecilia Casas Romero has completed a Short Course at Chelsea College of Art London: "The art of Social Engagement".

Short course of 5 days, from July 22 to 26, 2019

This Erasmus mobility has been good for several factors. On the one hand, for the professional development of Professor Ceciclia Casas who coordinates a line of research on social design issues at ESDAwhich is related to the content of the short course she has completed. On the other hand, it has implied a direct benefit for the students, since Cecilia has implemented this knowledge in practical teaching. Furthermore, this has been an opportunity to share and network with the Chelsea College of Art in London and to be able to start a research project together. Value added is gaining a way to start research relationships between the two institutions. We could also share knowledge in other ways, such as inviting them to give lectures and participate in the Design Days that we celebrate at ESDA.

One of the objectives has been to be able to establish an international collaboration between the ESDA (Superior School of Design of Aragon) and the UAL, specifically the Chelsea College of Art. We have increased our educational quality, making possible a training mobility for Professor Cecilia Casas in one of the best design schools internationally.

