The Ibero-American Design Biennial is neither a prize nor a competition but a platform for the visibility and dissemination of the best design in the region. The awards, given by an international jury, are in this framework, a recognition of those works or initiatives that stand out for their excellence and qualities. Capacity for innovation, improved quality of use, inclusivity, recycling and formal-aesthetic quality, usability, identity values, sustainability and creativity are some of the premises for their assessment.
In addition to the 7 category awards that we talked about in our previous communication, the IDB awards 12 special prizes linked to different areas.
The BID is committed to a design focused on the needs of all citizens, to collaboration between them, to the improvement of cities, to projects that drive change, to the most innovative and the most sustainable.
You can consult here the list of awards together with examples of work from previous editions.
Project em Aberto by Ana Escobar Teixeira. Portugal.
Mention BID18 Design for Development / Spanish Cooperation.
Kyma by Trinidad Paz Burgos Comparini, Vicente Andrés Burgos Comparini, Carolina Pacheco Glen and Sebastián Spoerer Ruiz-Tagle. Chile.
BID16 Design for All Award / ONCE Foundation.
Winco Pro by Iván Vidal, Frederic Misik, Carlos Alarcón, Alex D'Alessio, José Antonio Camacho, José Luis Pajares, Diego Lara, Álvaro Closas, Guillermo Closas, Carmen Fernández Panadero and Pablo J. Alhama Blanco. Spain.
BID18 Design and Innovation Mention.
In the 2018 edition were incorporated two specific callsThe "Frank Memelsdorff Design and Business" and "Design and Research" awards, with their own Rules of Participation, will be held this year in the "Frank Memelsdorff Design and Business" and "Design and Research" categories. IDB20we have a new awardThe "City Image" award, to highlight those emerging cities that develop a differential activity that makes them stand out.
BID18 Business and Design Frank Memelsdorff Award.
Close Skins by Elena Zapico Maceda and Raquel Buj García. Spain.
BID18 Research and Design Mention.
Visual Identity for the City of Porto by White Studio (Eduardo Aires, Ana Simões and Raquel Rei). Portugal.
BID16 Award Design for (by and with) culture. BID16 Design and City Award / Madrid City Council.
We find ourselves in a time of challenges in which we have to take more aspects into account than before. We want to disseminate projects that advocate a change in thinking towards a better future, give importance to companies that incorporate design into their strategies, value entrepreneurship as an engine of change, promote research in design, highlight the communication strategies of cities to enhance their image, demonstrate how much design contributes to all areas of culture and is a fundamental part of our lives and the importance of publications on design in all its areas to create critical mass.
St. Jerome Lives by Abril Zepeda and Aram Terry. Nicaragua.
BID18 Mention Design and Sustainability.
Artesanato Ofayé by Renato Imbroisi. Brazil.
BID18 Mention Design and entrepreneurship.
Chichico Alkmim Photographer by Gabriela Castro, Gustavo Marchetti and Paulo André Chagas. Brazil
BID18 Award Design for (by and with) Culture. BID18 Mention Design of spaces and interior design.
Base Diseño e Innovación magazine. Chile.
Finalist BID16 Design and Design Publications.
Pixelata by Carlos Jiménez, Pilar Balsalobre. Spain.
Mention BID18 Design and citizen participation / UCCI.
For more information see the Basis of the call for proposals and the online form.
The IDB20 is made possible thanks to the main partnership of the Madrid City Counciland the collaboration of the Spanish Cooperation through AECID.
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