VIII Dulce 2020 Illustration Contest (RULES)
Pastelería Tolosana, have announced the seventh edition of the Certamen de Ilustración Dulce (Sweet Illustration Competition). An initiative aimed at providing young creators with a platform for the dissemination of their artistic proposals in drawing and illustration, which will help them in their promotion and professional development. The first edition was launched in 2013 and was a pioneering event in Spain, seeking to combine the art of illustration with the art of confectionery.
In the seven editions that have been held, great repercussions have been achieved, both in terms of the number of works and authors taking part, with more than 800 works by young illustrators entered in the competition, and the dissemination obtained at regional, national and international level, with illustrations from countries such as Mexico and Argentina, as well as the participation of a highly professional and widely recognised jury, both in the academic and artistic spheres.
For this reason, Pastelería Tolosana is organising this competition in accordance with the following rules:
1. - Object: The purpose of this call is to establish the rules governing the participation and the awarding of prizes in the VIII SWEET ILLUSTRATION COMPETITION
2. - Participants: Any person of any nationality, place of origin or residence, who is over 36 years of age and of legal age, may participate. Participation is on an individual basis; team participation is not permitted.
3. - Modality: Illustration
4. - Presentation of the work:
Documentation. The works must be submitted together with:
- Participation form, in which the author chooses the category in which he/she wishes to participate. Available on the website trenzadealmudevar.es
- Author's affidavit certifying that the work is unpublished (available on the website trenzadealmudevar.es).
Technical requirements:
- Each author may submit a maximum of two works.
- The theme of the works must be related to the field of pastry and confectionery creations, to the preparation of desserts or to themes that directly reflect aspects related to pastry, the sensations, emotions and experiences that it may suggest.
- Works must not be signed.
- The works must be in DIN A-3 or DIN A-4 format.
- The title of the work and a brief explanation of the illustration or illustrations submitted to the competition, with a maximum of 100 words for each of them, shall be indicated next to each work submitted.
- Works in any pictorial or printed graphic technique, the use of traditional materials or digital illustration will be accepted.
- The works submitted must be original and unpublished, it being understood that they have not been previously edited, published or awarded prizes in any other competition.
5. Place and date of submission:
The original works will be sent via the Internet, through the website www.trenzadealmudevar.es.
The files, in JPG format, shall not exceed 500kb each, the illustration shall not exceed 300 dpi.
The jury will make a first selection from among all the illustrations sent in, from which the winners and finalists will be chosen. The selected illustrations will first be asked to send the original.
This should be sent by registered post or courier to:
PASTELERÍA TOLOSANA S.L. - Pol. Ind. Canal de Monegros, parcela C-1 - 22270 Almudévar (Huesca)
The following information must be included when sending the originals:
- Title of the illustration.
- Name and surname of illustrator
- Nationality
- Residence address
- Telephone number (optional)
- E-mail address
- Brief CV of the author
The deadline for the submission of works is 15 November 2020, at 8 p.m.
6. - Selection process and awards:
From all the proposals received, the jury will make a first pre-selection of a maximum of 30 illustrations, from which the finalists and winners will be chosen.
The following prizes are established:
A maximum of 10 works will be shortlisted as finalists. From these, a winner will be chosen for each of the two categories established in the competition, with a prize of:
- Sweet Illustration Category: 800 €*,
- TrenzArte Category: 800 €*.
- Rest of the 8 Finalists: 100 €*.
The winning authors of the two categories of the VIII Sweet Illustration Contest, in addition to the financial prize, will be commissioned to create, throughout 2021, a work of illustration for one of the activities of Pastelería Tolosana (creation of the poster for one of its competitions, commemorative illustrations, greetings cards, ...). This commission will be remunerated and as such will be considered as a prize, and will therefore be subject to the provisions of current legislation on income tax withholding.
Trenzarte category: To be eligible for the TrenzArte category, the content and/or idea of the illustration must be clearly related to the pastry creation "Trenza de Almudévar". The aim is to establish a direct link between the art of drawing and illustration and the art of pastry-making through a pastry creation that has been widely known and recognised in our country for more than 30 years.
Sweet Illustration Category: it must deal with the field of pastry creations in general, with desserts or with themes that directly reflect aspects related to pastry, the sensations, emotions and experiences that it may suggest.
Under no circumstances may the two prizes coincide in the same work.
The prizes awarded will be subject to the provisions of the legislation in force regarding the withholding of personal income tax.
Finalists: The authors who have reached the status of finalists and who have not won in either of the two categories, a total of 8 finalists, will receive a diploma certifying their status and €100 in cash*.
*All cash prizes will be subject to the provisions of the legislation in force regarding personal income tax withholding.
Pastelería Tolosana may organise exhibitions with the finalist works of each edition, for a period of no less than ten calendar days, making the corresponding public communication of the works exhibited and their authors.
All the works participating in the VIII Sweet Illustration Contest, considered valid by the Jury, and specifically the finalist works, will be published on the websites of Pastelería Tolosana, as well as on the social networks, together with a brief biography of the authors.
7. - Jury:
The jury will be made up of a representative of Pastelería Tolosana, a professional in the field of illustration and drawing, a teacher from the Zaragoza School of Art, a teacher from the Aragon School of Design, an illustrator from Aragon of recognised prestige and a specialised journalist from an Aragonese media outlet.
The jury may declare the prizes void if it deems it appropriate. The jury's decision is final.
The names of the winners/finalists/participants of the competition will be published in the first fortnight of December 2020 on the trenzadealmudevar.com website and its social networks, in the regional and national specialised media, and by e-mail to all participants.
8. - Awarded and selected works: Pastelería Tolosana, S.L. will own the exploitation rights of the winning works (winner of each of the categories and finalists), with the author retaining the rights conferred by intellectual property legislation.
9. - Processing of the Participant's Personal Data:
Responsible for processing: Pastelería Tolosana, S. L.
Purpose: To manage the competition. To advertise it in the media. To keep you informed of our activities. The data will be kept in our file as long as you do not tell us otherwise.
Legitimation: Management of the competition on the basis of the execution of the contract. In order to advertise your image in the media, social networks, company websites and other promotional media, as well as to keep you informed of our events, we will be governed by the consent you voluntarily give on the participation form.
Recipients: Your data will be shared with our group company ASTOVILA, S.L. for the management of the competition.
The winners' details will be passed on to the paying bank, as well as to the State Tax Administration Agency.
Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, portability of your data, limitation or opposition to processing. Right to withdraw the consent given. To do so, you should send a letter to Pastelería Tolosana, Pol. Ind. Canal de Monegros, parcela C1, 22270 Almudévar, Huesca (Spain). If you consider it necessary, you can complain to the supervisory authority at agpd.es.
10. - Interpretation of the bases: Questions not covered in these rules will be resolved by the jury at its own discretion. Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these rules.