
Social Design in the streets of the city. AFDA-ESDA.

Published on 11 March 2021

The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (ESDA) has collaborated with AFDA (Asociación de Trastornos Depresivos de Aragón), Zaragoza City Council and the Government of Aragon in the design of this campaign that has taken to the streets of the city.

To do this, we have worked in a participatory p2p creative process between users of the association, psychologists, social workers, students of the 1st year of Graphic Design and teachers of the ESDA specialising in Graphic Design and Photography.

The process consisted of detecting what actions people have taken to maintain their wellbeing during the health crisis and identifying which private spheres are proving more complex to maintain. Based on the ideas that emerged, a collective creative process was used to generate the images that illustrate the campaign through photography and graphic design.

Thanks to Ana Q. and all the AFDA staff for giving us this opportunity. Thanks to Chusa O., Calu, Jose C. and Miguel U., the brilliant models. Special thanks to the teachers Inés M. and Eva F., for their wonderful selfless collaboration.

