
Talk-workshop with Hilaku

Published on 29 November 2021

Last week a talk-workshop organised by Hilaku was held with the students of the 1st and 2nd years of Fashion Design in which two different topics were discussed.

In the first part of the talk, we talked about the concept of "Art brut", which was presented by Rosa Serrano (art historian). "Art brut" is a French term that means raw art. The concept of art brut consists of expressing feelings, without obeying any fashion. This type of art started to be made by people who were not considered artists, but came from marginal circles, such as people with functional diversity. This type of people were not usually provided with any tools (and even less so for women), which is why in their art you could find scraps of fabric that they obtained or by using their clothes to print their designs.

Álvaro del Castillo, a fashion designer from Zaragoza, then spoke about genderless fashion. He took the fashion of the Madrid movida as a reference, and then told of his experience and presented several of his designs.

The talk ended with a workshop in which the students had to create their own design from safety pins, buttons and various pieces of fabric.

