
Social Design: Workshop "Define your Neighbourhood".

Published on 26 January 2022

From the subject of Social Design we continue to work with the neighbourhood of Gancho San Pablo, which is opposite the ESDA on the other side of the river, in the creation of a COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITY MAP. This map will contain the services and community and social initiatives of the neighbourhood, which are many as the neighbourhood has a strong neighbourhood support network. 

In this phase, a collage workshop was held in the ESDA Assembly Hall with representatives of the organisations and services to involve them in the creation of the map. The map will serve as a support tool for the people in the neighbourhood and for those new to the neighbourhood, who are often unfamiliar with our language, to help them integrate. 

Thanks to Marga Muñoz Moreno (CDAMAZ), Sara Coloma (PICH), Hilda Vázquez-Caicedo (Medicos Mundi Navarra-Aragón-Madrid), Ana Quintana (AFDA), Martina Papa, Nora Armenkar and Tristan Mabil (Journey to Sustainability) for your assistance despite the difficulties that the pandemic imposes on us these days and to Joshua Navea for helping with the photos.

