The designer María Barros has shared her experience and design methodology with the students of the fashion speciality, in the workshop Modelling on mannequins.
The Galician, who has worked for firms such as Roberto Cavalli and Modesto Lomba, runs her eponymous firm, in which she turns the moulage or modelling as a sign of identity, being the main working technique in its collections. This differentiation, makes it one of the favourite brands of the celebrities Spanish women to parade on the national red carpets.
In the workshop, some students have modelled the fabric, creating three-dimensional volumes, in order to reach shapes not achievable through the 2D pattern. Others have preferred to use this technique as a procedure to increase their creative capacity in the design process.
After this initial experimentation, the students were able to see how to transfer the work achieved to a paper pattern, so that it can be reproduced and scaled up.
Set photos: taken by the 3rd year students of Graphic Design.