Once again this year, we are holding a competition for the design of a Christmas card that will represent ESDA in an institutional and creative way; we will use it to send greetings by mail to the entire educational community, to the educational institutions in Aragon and to the companies that collaborate with the School.
1. The text to be included shall be :
"The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón wishes you a Merry Christmas.
and prosperous new year 2023."
2. The ESDA logo shall be included.
3. The design, of free technique, will have a format of 48×28 cm, or 1366 x 768 px. and 72 ppp resolution (landscape).
4. Each digital file will be saved with a slogan in .jpg format on a USB which will be returned once the judging has been completed. At the same time, an envelope identified on the outside with the same slogan as the USB will be delivered. A photocopy of the author's ID card will be included inside the envelope, for recognition once the decision has been finalised.
5.The deadline for submitting proposals will be from 1 to 15 December 2022, secretariat hours from 9 to 14h.
5. The competition will be judged on 16 December 2022 and the jury will be made up of ESDA teachers and the management team.
6.The winner of the competition will receive a prize consisting of 0.5 ECTS of free choice and design material.