From the II ESDA DESIS DAYS we propose the following challenge, and we encourage you to actively participate in it, during the two exciting days ahead of us.
CHALLENGEWe will try to be agents of social design.
TOOLS:// To do so, we have made available both the programme of all the events that we are going to share and the map of the neighbourhood where we are going to carry out the actions. You can download it here:
To capture in 6 images, a possible answer to each of the questions on the different themes that we pose below.
TECHNIQUEDrawing, collage, illustration, digital painting, photography... It is open to any graphic-plastic technique.
- THEME 1: The City to the measure of man. Proximity and City
- 1.The neighbourhood takes care of us, we take care of ourselves.
- My neighbourhood can improve, we can improve
- THEME 2: Digital Isolation. All in/ from home
- 5. Digital Isolation: Everything from/at Home How does it affect us?
- 6. Digital to be Close How can it help?
- THEME 3: The Age of Care
- 3. What can I give? + email/phone
- 4. What do I need? + email/phone
DEADLINEYou should send them to esdadesislab@esda.es on Thursday 11 May.
and we will print them out to work on them in the
WORKSHOP/WORKSHOP:// to be held on Friday at 11.00 in the Plaza Santo Domingo in the Barrio del Gancho. Location: https://goo.gl/maps/SVn7EEmG3c9mpGsK6
Let's go!