
Winners II Creative Screens Etopía Call for Entries

Published on 9 June 2017

The II Creative Screens Etopia Competition, aimed at students of the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, Escuela de Arte de Zaragoza and the CPA Salduie, has announced the list of winning works developed for the Middle Façade of Etopia.

Once again this year, we at ESDA are very happy that our students won the following prizes;

  • First Prize Creative Screens 2017 - "Light Cube" by Diego Gastelut
  • Second Prize Creative Screens 2017 - "Energy Flows" by Carla Puig
  • Second Prize Creative Screens 2017 - S/T by Carolina Atienza and Rubén Hervás

These works have been awarded a first prize of 1000 euros and two second prizes of 500 euros, based on aspects such as the originality of the proposals, their artistic quality or their suitability to the proposed work medium.

The members of the jury, after assessing the 20 proposals submittedThe high quality and professionalism of the participating proposals has been highlighted. That is why, as in the previous edition, they have decided to select the following works for broadcasting on the middle façade of Etopia:

  • "Earth" by Mario Cortés
  • "Urbe Residual" and "Sinestesia Auditiva" by María Zabay
  • "Reflections" by Cristina Colombo
  • "Pollution" by María Sancho
  • "Estaciones animation" by Alba and Mireya Hernández and Celia Aznar

The II Call for Creative Screens Etopia, opened on 20 December 2016 and aims to promote and facilitate access to this artistic medium for talents in training in our city. The winning works selected for broadcast began to be exhibited in the middle façade of Etopia on 2 May.

First Prize Creative Screens 2017 - "Light Cube" by Diego Gastelut

Second Prize Creative Screens 2017: "Energy Flows" by Carla Puig and S/T by Carolina Atienza and Rubén Hervás.

