
VII Simón Awards Gala Poster Competition

Published on 13 February 2018

The idea of the competition is to create the poster for the VII Simón Awards Gala of the Aragonese Film Academy, which until last year was only used in printed applications (roll-ups, posters in different formats) and distribution through social networks and for the rest of the production of both stage design and audiovisuals.

The theme "Women in Film" has been proposed as the "late-motif" for this year's gala, which we will use for the competition.

Submission date: Thursday 1 February to Friday 16 March (both included).

Place: secretariat of the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón during office hours from 9:00 to 14:00h.


- 250 cash prize for the winner

- Tickets for the gala.

- Lot of Ambar products.

Download the PDF with the rules of the contest

