
Ideas competition for a logo for the Chopo Cabecero Cultural Park

Published on 13 February 2018

First.- Call and object of the competition. The Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero del Alto Alfambra, dependent on the Directorate General of Culture and Heritage of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Aragon, announces a competition of ideas for the creation of the logomarca of the Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero del Alto Alfambra. The aim of this competition is to select a proposal for a logo to represent the park, which will be the identifier of all the activities associated with it. Participants in the competition will have to accompany their logo proposal with its development in the form of a basic corporate image document. The idea to be transmitted, from the creation of the logo, will be: the Alto Alfambra Poplar Headwater Poplar Cultural Park is a unique cultural landscape made up of a forest of thousands of monumental and centenary headwater poplars that rises above an environment historically deforested by the intense use of sheep farming. They form landscapes that identify the highlands of southern Aragon and original agrosystems in Europe. The poplar tree, obtained by regularly removing all of its branches to produce wood and fodder, has a unique morphology consisting of a thick trunk, on which rests a head that supports a collection of long, straight branches that grow at a similar height.

Second.- Participants Students and former students who have graduated during the last three years of the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón may participate in this call for entries. Each student may submit a maximum of two designs, each one identified with a different slogan. The proposals will be original, and may be presented either individually or in a group, in which case the maximum number of members will be four students. Each logo proposal must contain a representative symbol accompanied by the text "Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero del Alto Alfambra" and it is advisable to reinforce the name "Chopo Cabecero".

Third.- Prize. A single prize of 500 euros (€500) will be awarded for the design of the logotype selected by the Evaluation Commission. In the event that the selected logotype has been submitted by a group of students, the amount of the prize will be divided equally among the members of the group. The amount of the prize will be subject to the tax deductions established in Spanish tax legislation. In addition, finalist diplomas will be awarded to the second and third runners-up.

Fourth: Submission of proposals. Each proposal will include a single design and must be submitted in two envelopes, identified as "A" and "B", in the following manner: 1: - The author's identification details: name, ID number, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, photocopy of the ID card or official identification document in the case of foreigners and any other identifying information. - A certificate of enrolment at the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón or a diploma accrediting the completion of these studies. - The third party form that can be obtained from the website of the Government of Aragon: The envelope "A" will be identified on the outside with the following data: - Envelope A: Identification details. - Ideas competition for the creation of the logo of the Alto Alfambra Poplar Headwater Poplar Cultural Park. - Slogan proposed by the entrant. 2. Envelope "B" will contain: - A brief summary explaining the spirit of the brand and a brief explanation of the basis of the design and its conceptual keys. The corporate colours of the logo in CMYK, RGB and PANTONE must be specified. Envelope "B" shall also be identified on the outside with the following data: - Envelope B: Imagotipo Proposal - Ideas Competition for the creation of the Imagotipo del Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero del Alto Alfambra. - Contestant's slogan. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DESIGN PROPOSAL TO BE SUBMITTED: Design of the logotype printed on a rigid support in DIN A3 format. The slogan of the entrant must appear on the back of the support. The following versions of the logo are to be submitted, as shown below. - B&W version (black and white) - Grayscale version - Colour version. - Versions according to orientation (vertical or horizontal) - Reductions of the logotype The versatility of the logotype for subsequent application on stationery, posters or signage will be valued. The identification of the envelopes and documentation in envelope "B" with any denomination other than the slogan and which allows the participant to be identified will be a reason for exclusion. The works submitted to the competition must be original and unpublished.

Place and deadline for submission Proposals may be submitted until 22 March 2018 at 14.00 hours to the school's secretary's office.
Proposals should be sent to the following address: Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (Secretary's Office) Avda. María Zambrano, 3 500018 Zaragoza

Sixth: Evaluation Commission The selection of the winning design will be carried out by an evaluation commission that will be made up of: - The director of the Aragon School of Design or the person she delegates. - Two other teachers from the Aragon School of Design. - The Head of the Cultural Heritage Prevention, Protection and Research Service or the person he/she delegates. - The Cultural Parks technician from the Cultural Heritage Prevention, Protection and Research Service responsible for setting up the Alto Alfambra Poplar Headwater Poplar Cultural Park. The youngest member will act as Secretary of this committee. The Commission will meet within seven days of the end of the deadline for the presentation of proposals. Its powers, for the purposes of this Call, will be: a) The admission, by means of minutes, of the proposals presented in the competition. b) The same must reflect, in the same way, the designs not admitted, indicating the reasons for exclusion. c) The assessment of the designs presented and of the rest of the documentation attached by the participants. d) The power to declare the competition void, justifying the reasons for this decision. e) The identification of the entrant of the selected design, through the opening of envelope "A", after drawing up the corresponding record. f) The awarding of the prize to the entrant of the selected design. g) The interpretation of these rules and the resolution of any questions that may arise in connection with the competition. The decision of the Evaluation Committee will be final.

Seventh: Evaluation criteria The artistic and symbolic values and the capacity of representation and communication of the logo will be the determining aspects for selecting the winning proposal. In addition, its potential in terms of its versatility to be applied to different media will also be assessed. The Evaluation Commission will act with complete independence and will determine the winning proposal according to the evaluation criteria and the weighting indicated below, with a maximum of 30 points being awarded to each of the proposals: a) Capacity of the proposal to represent the values and personality of the Alto Alfambra Poplar Headwater Poplar Cultural Park: from 0 to 10 points. b) Development of its suitability or variations, where appropriate, to reproduce it in all the pieces necessary to implement the project, as well as other advertising and communication elements: 0 to 10 points. c) Development in the form of a basic corporate image document: 0 to 5 points. d) Explanation of the basis of the design, its conceptual keys and the versatility of the logomark for subsequent application in stationery, posters or signage: 0 to 5 points.

Eighth.- Resolution of the competition, publicity and appeals. The Evaluation Commission will notify the author of the selected proposal of its decision within ten days of its being drawn up. The resolution of the competition will also be made public on the website of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Aragon, on the blog of the Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero del Alto Alfambra and through the media or by means of a press conference.

Ninth: Payment of the prize. Payment of the prize will be made once all the procedures for its award have been completed.

Tenth: Intellectual and industrial property rights. The author of the selected design assigns exclusively to the Government of Aragon the rights to exploit the work without any kind of limitation, covering all forms of exploitation. The prize awarded includes the price of the assignment, as provided for in article 17 of the reformed text of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law (TRLPI). In accordance with the provisions of article 14, the winning participant authorises the Government of Aragon to modify, develop or adapt the design using any means it deems appropriate. The awarding of the prize does not grant the prize-winner any right to carry out adaptation and development work on the applications of the design and idea selected in this competition. The Government of Aragon will be the owner of the design and may, if necessary, and in accordance with current legislation, register it, thereby acquiring industrial property rights. The authors of the proposals submitted to this competition will cede the rights of distribution and public communication to the Government of Aragon free of charge, so that they may be displayed in an exhibition or form part of a catalogue or exhibition.

Eleventh: Acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Participation in this competition implies knowledge and acceptance of these rules by the participants, which may be modified by the organising body for duly justified reasons. Zaragoza, ____ January 2018   

