
Rules of the poster contest "Aragón Fashion Week 2019".

Published on 8 January 2019

1.- The aim of this competition is to choose the official poster for the Aragon Fashion Week: AFW.
The format of the poster will be 100cm x 70cm in vertical format.
It will also be delivered in digital format packaged at 300 dpi. The poster will carry the following text: "ARAGÓN FASHION WEEK 2019".
Only students from the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón may participate.
4.-The deadline for the admission of works will be from 8 January to 18 February 2019.
5.-Papers may be submitted to the office of the College.
de Diseño de Aragón, from 10,30 to 11,30h.
6.-The poster must be presented on a rigid support and suitably
7.- It will be presented without a signature and under a slogan, which will be written on the back of the poster. The authorship of the poster may not be made public at any time during the competition process.
A sealed envelope shall also be submitted, the outside of which shall bear the slogan of the
poster. The name(s) of the author(s) must appear on the inside of the poster,
surname, telephone number and e-mail address, photocopy of the National Identity Card
and a signed declaration by the author(s) stating that the work submitted is original and unpublished.
8.-The organisation is not responsible for copies or plagiarism, being the author or authors the loyal responsible of the works.
9.- The organisation will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that
may be suffered by the works submitted to the competition.
10.-The Department of Culture of the Government of Aragon, reserves the right to
the right to insert logos that it deems appropriate to appear in the
original, as well as to add the text concerning dates and venue
of the acts.
11.-The Jury shall be composed of:
-President Director General of Culture of Aragon.
-Members: Director of the Higher School of Design. Two professionals in the field of design or communication.
-Secretary: Administrative Officer of the Education and Culture area of the
Government of Aragon.
12.- A single prize of €500 will be awarded.
13.-By paying the prize, the Government of Aragón acquires the
The winning poster and the author(s) grant their exclusive ownership of all economic and intellectual property rights inherent to the winning poster to the author(s) and the author(s) grant their exclusive ownership of all economic and intellectual property rights inherent to the winning poster.
prize-winning work.

Download the competition rules here

