
Visit to the Ildefonso Manuel Gil library of the Diputación de Zaragoza.

Published on 8 April 2019

As in previous years, the students of the 2nd year of Graphic Design in the course of Reproduction and Printing I in the first days of April we visited the library Ildefonso Manuel Gil of the Diputación de Zaragoza. The visit took place entirely in the beautiful and splendid modernist library, designed by the architect Ricardo Magdalena, of the former casino of Zaragoza, now the palace of Sástago (Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza). During the course of the exhibition, we were able to enjoy an excellent master class on the history of books given by Sandra Establés and consult different original editions, from the 15th century to the present day, as well as a good number of illustrated magazines from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Photographs by Cecilia Casas.

Black and white photograph: library of the old casino in Zaragoza, now the Palacio de Sástago. Coyne Studio, ca. 1940. Provincial historical archive of Zaragoza.

