
Ojo al dato. This is moving".

Published on 23 September 2020

Zaragoza City Council, the Ibercaja Foundation and the Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation presented the "EYE TO THE DATA. This is moving" awards this afternoon, as the inaugural event of the European Mobility Week programme of events.

The winners, with a prize of 3,000 euros, were Eva Omedes and Ricardo Tranquilli with their project "ZTR Zaragoza", in which they proposed a prototype of a mobility control panel for the centre of Zaragoza.

At the same time, a prize of 1,000 euros was awarded to a group of students from Gascón y Marín School, Gascomarines, for their project "Welcome to ZGZ". The children have designed a multimodal interchange on Avenida de los Pirineos, The coordinator of this project was Eugenia Pérez de Mezquía, lecturer at ESDA. 

At the awards ceremony, which was attended by the Councillors for Public Services and Mobility, Natalia Chueca, and for Economy, Innovation and Employment, Carmen Herrarte, three videos made by the Chair were also shown, produced by the Mobility Experience Chair of the San Jorge University of Zaragoza.    

