
Hilvana Project Award

Published on 6 November 2020

We at ESDA, together with our partners CEIP Ramiro Soláns and Ayuda en Acción, are celebrating:

The project  "Designing for HILVANA. An ApS project of textile female empowerment in the school environment". which we present Action Aid y ESDA to the national call Service-Learning Awards 2020has been awarded the  Gender Equity Award.

These awards are organised by Edebé and the Spanish Service-Learning Network, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and are supported by various companies, social entities and institutions: DKV Seguros, Obra Social la Caixa, Plena Inclusión, CENEAM-Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, OEI-Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, Educo, Fundación Princesa de Girona, Esemtia, Fundación Ana Bella, Mullor S.A, Torresco, Esade-Universitat Ramon Llull and Cáceres City Council..

A record number of projects participated in this year's call for proposals: 330 projects were submitted. The evaluation process involved 68 experts from all over the state and the jury was enthusiastic about our project because of its educational quality and its social and community impact.

Specifically, this award is supported by the Ana Bella Foundation and by Mullor S.A: and will be delivered, together with the others, in the framework of the 13th State Meeting on Service-Learning 2020which will be held in online format on 11 December from Cáceres.

The prize consists of 1,500 euros, a course for students and teaching staff on social communication campaigns (given by the Ramón Llul University), a diploma accrediting the prize and a roll-up of the project, which can be exhibited inside and outside the centre. The prize must be used to support the project directly or to start a new one with the same values and the same methodology. By prior agreement, we will use it to equip the workshop of these brave women of Hilvana who, together with our students, are at the centre of our efforts.

We are grateful for this recognition which gives us greater confidence that we are moving forward on a relevant path for design education and for our society - congratulations!!!!

