The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón and the Asociación de Diseñadores Gráficos de Aragón are joining forces in a virtual meeting open to students, teachers and members of the association to discuss current issues pertaining to the professional reality in which we are currently living, management, teleworking and sustainability, among others, as well as other topics, in an opportunity for students to get to know and value professional opportunities and to explore different views on how design processes, active methodologies and current production processes are managed and put into practice and how all of this is solved on a day-to-day basis. @esda_official @somosada
Miguel Frago
Anto Moreno
Victor Montalban
David Tapia
Rebeca Zarza
Marta Ester
Antonio Isla
Neme Zerga
Carlos Muñoz
10.00h Introduction of the members participating in the Round Table
10.15 a.m. Start of the session and established script of topics to be addressed
10.20h TOPIC 1
Methodology and experiences in project management, working times, tools and platforms or applications both in the design studio and with clients.
10.40h TOPIC 2
How to deal with creative processes and sustainability in projects.
11.00h Theme 3
How to start a career, and which skills are most appreciated and which are most in demand by design studios/agencies today.
11.20h Item 4
How to manage customer relations from the commissioning stage onwards
11.40 a.m. Item 5
Updating to teleworking, what adaptations have had to be made, is the management and design methodology adapted to telematic team management, and teleworking with the client? How are they being implemented? Difficulties encountered and other comments.
12.00h Questions
12.30 p.m. End of the session
Design: Joshua Navea @joshnavea
#esda #ada #diseño #somosada #somosada #mentoringonline #escuelasuperiordediseñedearagon