Care Wineries Competition
Did you know that... recent scientific studies have shown that a whole summer lying in the sun, from party to party and with no more concern than deciding the sun protection factor or whether to drink beer alone or with lemon, carries a high risk of producing brain muscle atrophy and tedious neuron wasting...? Fortunately we offer you a remedy. ... Read more
We already have the winner of the COrtonaOpen3D 2015 competition.
Identity Design Competition IV edition of the COrtonaOpen3D 2015 course The winner of the competition was Marco Rossit, an architecture student at the Politecnico di Milano, with his proposal nURB The jury also awarded an Honourable Mention to the proposal submitted by Belén Azagra, a graphic design student at the ESDA.
Enrolment 2015/16
Former Students New Students ENROLMENT PROCESS . All students must carry out their own self-enrolment through the ESDA website www.esda.es/automatrícula updating their personal details, including their photograph, and providing their social security number (1st year students). . Once the self-registration has been completed, students must provide the following information .... Read more
Sacabola arrives
This Thursday 18 from 18h in the lobby of ESDA will take place the opening of the exhibition of "failed projects" of graphic design studios in Zaragoza. Projects that didn't win any competition, that didn't please the client, that were left in a lost archive... but that deserve to be rescued for this new exhibition. Read more
Summer Courses 2015
Download all the information here The Summer courses are now available! From 22 June to 4 July 3D image creation, Designing a typeface, Design and print your own book, How to choose typographies, Art direction, Life in minimal spaces, Introduction to WordPress, Modular Parpirofléxia, Mould workshop, Mould workshop, ... Read more
"Light" is a public intervention carried out by students of the 4th year of Graphic Design within the subject "Experimental Typography", in the closing areas of the ESDA. In the sequence of photos you can appreciate the interesting photographic report of the "how it was done".
Updated Cartography 9.0
Project carried out by the 3rd year students of Graphic Design. EXHIBITION HALL OF PLAZA ESPAÑA (former 4º Espacio, in Plaza de España 2), from 20th to 31st May. Tuesday to Saturday, from 18 to 21h. Sundays and holidays, from 11 am to 2 pm.
Identity Design Competition
The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, ESDA is organising the competition to design the image of the IV edition of the COrtonaOPen3D 2015 course. COrtonaOPen 3D is a workshop on the theme Smart City Design that will take place between 1 and 9 August in Cortona (Arezzo, Italy); in the course you will learn how to ... Read more
Design Practice Conference 2015
"CEREBRATING COMMITTED IDEAS" CONFERENCE ON THE PRACTICE OF DESIGN 13, 14, 15, 16 April 2015 Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón Programme