
Erasmus Policy Statement

Our main objective in the Erasmus programme is to work within our Institution to reinforce the concept of UNION between the different European countries. The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (ESDA) is a public centre of the Government of Aragon, one of the autonomous communities of Spain. The new plans of the Higher Artistic Education in Design are configured from the proposal of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the unit of measurement is the European credits (ECTS). ESDA offers GRADUATE level studies (level 2 MECES) in the specialities of Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product Design and Fashion Design and MASTER studies (level 3 MECES).

ESDA is located in Zaragoza, a geographically strategic point halfway between Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao. Our history is very rich and multicultural, placing us in Aragon, related to Spain, Europe, Latin America and the African continent. This cultural reality imprints the intrinsic character of our Institution, whose lines of research focus on educational innovation and social and sustainable design. The ESDA holds an annual Conference on the Practice of Design, with the attendance of speakers of great relevance in the world of Design, with important dissemination and large attendance. There is a collaboration agreement with the University of Zaragoza for Higher Artistic Education and a consortium to carry out work placements for students. ESDA has a collaborative relationship with the CADI (Aragonese Centre for Industrial Design), an entity that connects us with the local business and industrial fabric.

ESDA in its international dimension belongs to CUMULUS, Int. Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, where thanks to the Erasmus programme ESDA staff actively participate in its annual congresses. ESDA participates biannually in the BID Meetings, Iberoamerican Design Biennial held in Madrid, expanding contacts and sharing experiences. The Erasmus programme in our Institution is the platform that facilitates the connection and exchange between countries of the European Union, giving ESDA its international dimension.

Thanks to the Erasmus programme we have collaboration agreements with centres in other countries at the forefront of Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product Design and Fashion Design with which we have exchanges, where we can complement the training of students and teachers, as well as improve the knowledge of a foreign language, learn about other cultures, artistic manifestations, communication skills and acquire flexibility through contact with other ways of working.

We collaborate with European design-related companies and organisations that help us to improve and increase our quality in research, education and artistic activities through strong international collaboration.
We are working towards the following objectives:

  • Spending time abroad to study and learn should become the norm.
  • Knowing two languages in addition to one's mother tongue should be standard.
  • High quality education should be available to all, regardless of their socio-economic background.
  • People must have a strong sense of their identity as Europeans, of Europe's cultural heritage and its diversity.
  • The main activities are under Key Action 1, individual student mobility for study and work placements and staff mobility for training and teaching.
  • The implementation process for KA1 mobilities is as follows:
  • The annual Erasmus Call for participants is published on the project website where the procedure is defined to ensure the fairness and transparency of the process.
  • The compatibility of the Institutions is studied and agreement is reached on the number of exchanges and the duration of the stay.
  • Participating students submit a Portfolio and CV with the language level of the host country. Each student draws up their Work Plan, gathering the necessary information from the host centre via the Internet, the programme coordinator and under the supervision of the Degree Coordinator.
  • Participating teachers submit a CV with the language level of the host country. Each selected teacher establishes his/her Work Plan for the training and/or teaching exchange.
  • The Work Plan must be approved by all parties: the two institutions and the participant.
  • Certificates of arrival and departure are issued.
  • Possible modifications to the Work Plan at the destination must be re-validated by all parties.
  • At the end of the mobility a certificate is issued with the numerical evaluation, number of credits and a qualitative evaluation.
  • At the end of the teaching staff exchange period, new teaching materials are developed to consolidate and expand the links between the departments and institutions, as well as possible future cooperation projects.
  • Participants complete a final evaluation questionnaire.
  • The results of each call are disseminated annually in a communication event open to the entire educational community.

Within ESDA's Strategic Plan, possible KA2 activities of strategic collaborations between institutions and companies are being studied in order to develop more complex projects that enrich the centre's research work.

Activities at different stages of the project cycle:

BEFORE the project starts:

  • Drafting of the dissemination and exploitation plan.
  • Definition of expected impact and deliverable results.
  • Consideration of how and to whom dissemination and exploitation results will be disseminated.

DURING the project:

  • Contact relevant media, e.g. at local or regional level.
  • Regular activities such as information sessions, training, demonstrations, peer reviews.
  • Assess the impact on target groups.
  • Involve other stakeholders with a view to transferring results to end-users / new areas / policies.
  • Adding a new project-specific tab on the website within International.

At the final report stage

  • Upload the final results of the project and an update of the project description on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

AFTER the project

  • Continue to disseminate more widely.
  • Develop ideas for future cooperation.
  • Evaluation of achievements and impact.
  • Contacting relevant media.
  • Contact policy makers if relevant.
  • Cooperate with the European Commission by providing useful input to its dissemination and exploitation efforts.

Participation in these actions will contribute to achieving the objectives of ESDA's Strategic Plan.
The results of each Erasmus call are disseminated annually. Tangible results, study reports, work samples, research reports, as well as intangible results, knowledge and experience gained by participants, while welcoming incoming Erasmus students in a relaxed and festive atmosphere, are shared in a communication event open to the whole educational community.

All students and staff of the school are the beneficiaries of this project, as student mobility generates an internal movement in the classrooms that is transmitted to the rest of the classmates and teachers. Newcomers learn from the experiences of older students who have completed Erasmus. Students in their final years undertake work placements abroad which facilitates their entry into the labour market. Impact evaluation is an essential part of the process. It assesses achievements and generates recommendations for future improvements. Indicators are used to measure progress towards goals. These are signals that help to measure performance. Indicators can be both quantitative in relation to numbers and percentages and qualitative in relation to the quality of participation and experience. Questionnaires, interviews, observations and evaluations are used to measure impact.

Indicators related to the different project activities that are foreseen at the beginning of the project and part of the overall dissemination plan:

  • Facts and figures related to the project organisers' website (updates, visits, enquiries, cross-referencing).
  • Number of meetings with key stakeholders.
  • Number of participants involved in discussions and information sessions (workshops, seminars, peer reviews); follow-up measures.
  • Production and circulation of products.
  • Media coverage (articles in specialised press bulletins, press releases, interviews, etc.).
  • Visibility on social media and attractiveness of the website.
  • Participation in public events.
  • Links with existing networks and transnational partners; information transfer and know-how.
  • Impact on regional, national and EU policy measures.
  • Comments from end-users, other stakeholders, peers, policy makers.