
Privacy policy

General information

The personal data collected and processed through this website or any pages managed by the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (hereinafter, "ESDA"), including social networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, will be processed in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data in force, respecting the particular characteristics of each platform and the rules of participation in each of them. The processing of said data will also comply with the provisions of the specific data protection regulations applicable to public educational centres in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

Access to academic data is restricted to users legally entitled to such access, using the corresponding "username" and "password" previously provided and distributed by the Administration of the centre.

ESDA will only disclose data to third parties in the cases provided for by law or contract.

Right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, portability and objection

The rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation of processing, portability and opposition may be exercised under the terms set out in the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and in accordance with the legal provisions applicable to publicly-owned educational centres in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

Users of this website declare that they are aware of the privacy and data protection policy, and consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the same.

The sending of e-mails by users of the website to the mailboxes, contact addresses and e-mail addresses that appear on the website shall be governed by current legislation on data protection, information society services and telecommunications. Specifically, the sending of emails and the reply to them is subject - in addition to the LOPD - to Law 9/2014, of 9 May, General Telecommunications Law, and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce.

This service is also designed to request and provide timely information to authorised persons who, duly identified in accordance with the regulations in force at any given time, so request in relation to matters of interest to them.

The information provided through this Portal in response to contacts or suggestions, or derived from any database, is merely indicative and in no case may be binding for the resolution of administrative procedures, which will be subject exclusively to the regulations that apply to them. 

External links

This privacy policy only applies to the ESDA website, and is not guaranteed for access through links to this site, nor for links from this site to third party sites.

This portal does not process the IP addresses of visitors for any purpose other than purely technical purposes to enable communication with the user's terminal, nor does it use mechanisms to track user activity other than those set out in the Cookies Policy.
