

The ESDA library is located on the third floor.
The consultation room has a capacity for up to 140 people.
It also has computer equipment with Internet access and Wi-Fi.
The library has its own blog.

The collection

The library specialises in industrial or product design, graphic design and interior design, although part of the collection also covers other subjects.
Its book and audiovisual collections are arranged according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), which facilitates grouping by subject.
Its collection currently consists of more than 4,000 items, catalogued in Abies, including monographs, serial publications and audiovisual copies.


An online catalogue (OPAC) is available.

  • If you have an account you can access from here.
  • If you do not have an account, you can log in as a guest by following the guidelines below. here.

Newspaper library

More than 100 titles of serial publications are available for consultation, some of them complete with all their issues.
The library also subscribes to a number of titles, so that part of the collection is very up to date.

Media library

The media library is made up of more than 100 titles in audiovisual and electronic format.


There are currently agreements applicable to the library of the Zaragoza School of Art and the Library of the University of Zaragoza.
This means that ESDA students can access the loan service in both libraries:

  • At the EAZ Library on presentation of your ESDA ID card and providing a series of details.
  • At the Library of the University of Zaragoza according to the procedure for external users belonging to an institution with an agreement.


Monday to Thursday 10:45 to 14:30 and 16:30 to 18:45

Access is free and loans are limited to ESDA students and users of the centres with which there is an agreement (University of Zaragoza and Zaragoza School of Art).
