A visual prospective from architecture to propose the city before it happens.
PRE________IMAGINARS 2020 is a collective exhibition for Zaragoza of images of architecture, city and interior design projects with which to begin to understand the possibilities for the future of our cities, from the images that are made of them each year by schools of architecture, urban planning and interiors and professional studios.
It is the elaboration of a common atlas of visions produced, as a way to ask ourselves "where are we?" and to understand the current post-2020 conjuncture as an opportunity for a revision of narratives: the reconstruction of the imaginaries from which we propose.
Exhibition rooms:
PRE_IMAGINARIOS will be held simultaneously in 3 venues, with the central venue being the Pignatelli Depósitos Exhibition Space, where the interactive montage of the exhibition and all the images received will be installed. The complementary venues will be the Centro Cívico Río Ebro and the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Aragón.
+Pignatelli Depósitos Pignatelli space: 23 October - 08 November
+Río Ebro Civic Centre: 17 - 27 October
+COAA: 29th October to 25th November
Interactive installation and Covid measurements:
The exhibition will feature an interactive installation for visitors, through which they can use their mobile phones to scan the QR code of the images that most closely resemble their imaginary of the future city. The selected images will automatically become part of the collective PRE_IMAGINARY that will be projected in the room and which is the ultimate aim of the exhibition. A shared atlas from which to draw conclusions regarding the proposed research into imaginaries with the collaboration of those who visit the exhibition.
The hall will be fitted out with sufficient dispersion space to ensure social distance between visitors, and separate access and evacuation routes to favour the flow between people.
Pre_Imaginary 2020 Team.
Curator of the exhibition:
Manuel García-Lechuz and Clara Dobón
Executive Directorate:
Antonio de Clemente
Editorial direction:
Isabel Sebastian
Felipe Sancho
Graphic Design:
Diego Ibáñez
Audio Editing:
Pablo Bayego
Collaborating team:
Alejandro Díaz
Elena Comeras
Elisa Soriano
Organised by:
Art + Cultural Research
Zaragoza City Council
In collaboration with:
School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza
Berna Obras y Proyectos SL
Project partners:
Río Ebro Civic Centre
Ibercaja Foundation
Aragon School of Design
School of Architecture and Technology San Jorge University