
Insectivores" project

Published on 1 March 2019

In the subject of Bionics, a project has been carried out during this first semester, which will be continued together with the Ibercivis Foundation, in an agreement with the City Council of Zaragoza and in which EINA teachers of the Degree and Master in Computer Engineering, Professions of the IoT (Internet of Things) Biologists and Ornithologists also participate.

A prototype habitat has been developed for insectivores (bats, insectivorous birds and salamanders) with a sensor module that will send temperature and species presence data to the cloud.

It has been presented at the CEIP to the Technology coordinators of the Primary Schools so that in this second phase they can join the project by setting up the rooms in their schools, analysing the data collected and identifying which species are present. The presentation was attended by the teacher Paco Serón with the students Alejandro Serrano and Alba Ugencio from 3rd grade. This project was organised by the Ibercivis Foundation (Francisco Sanz and Mari Carmen Ibañez) as an initial presentation.

The photos correspond to our intervention in which we present the modular design that has been carried out and an explanation of the objectives of the project.

The proposal has been selected as a Design Research project at a conference to be held in Glasgow in September.

