
The start of_

The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón is holding a very special event on 8 and 9 May: lectures, talks and workshops on speculative design. Plausible futures to anticipate, for which it is no use designing as usual, futures in which some known things will not exist (that's why it's called The end ... Read more

Marina Ballarín/ change the museum 4

Marina Ballarín, a 2nd year graphic design student, wins the first prize in the 4th edition of the Cambiaelmuseo competition, with her work "Amarre (a)temporal". In this edition, 179 versions by 143 different authors took part, and it has had more than 2 million impressions on Instagram The winners in the general category were Marina Ballarín, ... Read more

entrance examinations 2023

The registration period for the entrance exams will be from 24 May to 6 June inclusive. The entrance exams will be held on 14 and 15 June. Registration here

Saray Ureña wins the San Jorge contest

The Director General of Culture, Víctor Lucea, and Saray Ureña, author of the San Jorge poster / Gobierno de Aragón The poster created by the 2nd year Graphic Design student, Saray Ureña, has won the San Jorge 2023 poster competition. We would like to congratulate Saray.

Mona, by Marina Rodríguez Bailo

El próximo jueves 27 de abril la ex alumna de Diseño Gráfico, Marina Rodríguez Bailo presentará en el Salón de actos de la ESDA su libro ' Mona', resultado profesional de su TFG del curso pasado. A Marina le hace especial ilusión presentarlo en la escuela. Os invitamos desde aquí a participar en su presentación.

Digital Imagination Center

The Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón ITAINNOVA @itainnova inaugurated the Digital Imagination Center DIC in its facilities at the Río Ebro Campus in Zaragoza on March 30th. This space is an opportunity for co-creation and meeting for ESDA students with other students, entrepreneurs and the whole business network and new technologies. Read more

ESDA Social Design / Refugees

ESDA colabora con la Fundación APIP-ACAM en el proyecto de Diseño Social de "Identidad Cultural a través de la Fotografía y el Diseño de Moda", en el que participan 20 refugiados de 6 nacionalidades diferentes (entre ellas ucranianas, afganos, colombianos o venezolanos) y 5 clases de alumnos de diferentes especialidades, niveles y asignaturas. Se trata … Read more

scholarships 2023-24

On the 17th of March, the BOE published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) the extract of the call for General Scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024, you can consult it here: We remind you that the procedure for managing scholarships has changed this academic year, so that students apply for a scholarship before enrolling and that the deadline to apply for a scholarship is ... Read more

visit to GRB

Por segundo año consecutivo, el nuevo alumnado de tercero de diseño de producto ha disfrutado de la visita a GRB, empresa zaragozana de grifería, que tiene como actividades principales, el diseño, desarrollo, producción y comercialización de grifería termostática para la vivienda, monomandos y grifería en general.  Concentra en Zaragoza el 100% de su investigación, diseño y fabricación (en su … Read more

New expert session

On Monday 13th March, a workshop talk was held for 2nd year Fashion students. The speaker Andrea Coderch -Coba Complements (Alcoy, Alicante)- talked about her experience of starting her own business and how she implements values such as sustainability and circular economy in her designs. Coba Complements - Unique products made by ... Read more

Additive Manufacturing Professionals Meeting

El pasado 16 de Marzo los profesores Cristina Fleta y Alejandro Conde participaron en el encuentro de Profesionales de Fabricación Aditiva Meet Addit. En la ponencia se habló de nuestro centro y de los trabajos realizados desde el departamento de Diseño de Producto con impresión 3D aditiva que se realizan en el ámbito del Food Design en … Read more

St George's 2023

Graphic image of 2022: Gemma Bonito These are the terms and conditions for the San Jorge 2023 competition. The deadline for submitting posters is 5 April, and the first prize of 700 euros will be awarded to the winning poster. Good luck!
