
Summer course Cortonaopen3d

The Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón participates as a partner in this summer course in Italy. The course will take place from Saturday 26th July to Sunday 3rd August 2014 in the extraordinary city of Cortona (Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy) Focused especially for interior designers and product designers, but open to all. ... Read more

Summer courses 2014

REGISTRATION FOR THE SUMMER COURSES IS NOW OPEN! Download info about the courses Download registration form for the courses

June exams

June exams. Ordinary and extraordinary exams. Consult date and place.

This is how the 8th Design Conference went

Date: 28, 29 and 30 April 2014 Coordination: Ana Mestre External support: undoestudio Technical assistance: Carlos Maza Image design: Rui Xu Interior design: Isabel Garcés, Rocío Fernández y Laura Ciobanu Guest designers: Teresa Sapey, Heitor Alvelos, Brosmind, Nacho Lavernia, Álvaro Arregui, Eduardo Óriz, Pedro Lozano y Emilio Remelhe

Come to ESDA

Pre-registrations from 19 May to 5 June 2014 Pre-registrations

8th Conference on Design Practice

VIII Jornadas sobre la práctica del diseño Conferences, screenings, workshops, itineraries, masterclass, exhibitions... come and participate! 28, 29 and 30 April 2014. Dossier of the VIII Conference Registration for workshops, masterclass and itineraries, open until April 24 at the ESDA secretariat.


This was the ENCUENTRAZOS 2014 organised by ESDA and the Zaragoza School of Art. One more year, 200 illustrators and students from all over the country, we met the best illustrated strokes. Thank you all for your participation!
