
Exclusive edition: author's design

Fotos: Nacho Bueno El alumnado de tercero de diseño de producto participó como asistentes, el pasado 22 de febrero, a la Jornada llamada "Edición Exclusiva: Diseño de Autor" en La Azucarera, una de las actividades que Zaragoza Activa ha organizado con motivo de la primera parada del Tour del Talento 2023 impulsado por Fundación Princesa de Girona. Con esta … Read more

#Change Museum 4

#CambiaelMuseo is a youth contest on Instagram where a selection of paintings, images and pieces from the Museums of Zaragoza are versioned. Organised by Zaragoza City Council through the Culture and Youth Services, it aims to encourage access to culture through the use of social networks and the promotion of art through Instagram. Read more


Ikea has presented the winning proposal of the Ikea Inspiring Talents. A group of young designers met in Madrid, together with professionals from the sector in which various challenges were posed: The Ritual of Sharings project was chosen as the winner of this event; it is composed of a collection of furniture that helps to share the experiences of the ... Read more

Friday open

INTERIOR DESIGN PROJECTS EXHIBITION. As the last teaching activity of the semester, the Department of Interior Design Projects and Techniques is organising a public exhibition of projects carried out during the semester by students in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of Interior Design, with the intention of highlighting the effort, ... Read more

Encounters 2023

ENCOUNTERS IN THE THIRD STAGE They're here! Once again this year, on 23rd and 24th February, Zaragoza will host one of the most important conferences dedicated to the graphics sector in the educational field. Organised by the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, together with ETOPIA-Centro de Arte y Tecnología, ... Read more

Rethinking design

El próximo 7 de febrero en el Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas de Aragón, va a tener lugar una interesante jornada titulada "Repensar el Diseño: visiones y reflexiones sobre el futuro del diseño y la comunicación". Entre los conferenciantes, la profesora de tipografía de la ESDA Jara Cordero impartirá una charla bajo el título Patrimonio Tipográfico. … Read more

women of the book

The Degree in Information and Documentation at the University of Zaragoza has presented its 2023 calendar entitled: Women of the book, ladies of the word. Among the twelve figures selected for their activity in the world of books, the month of May is dedicated to ESDA lecturer Raquel Garrido, author of children's literature and co-founder of ... Read more

Transmedia Experience 2023

Transmedia Experience 2023 Last Thursday 19th January, we enjoyed a new edition of the Transmedia Experience in the ESDA hall. This year's song was "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" (1967) by The Beatles. This project, carried out by the 3rd year students of Graphic Design, is a good way to learn about the ... Read more

Erasmus for teachers

The teachers Zaira and Cristina have gone on an Erasmus+ trip to Pescara, Italy. In Milan, an interiors student (Julia Montaner) and a fashion student (Liena Pérez) showed us the Brera school where they are studying. There we visited an exhibition, with the product students (Eren Villanúa, Silvia Montañés, María Borrás and Sofía Paz), ... Read more

Drawing session at the museum

El pasado viernes fuimos con los alumnos de 1º de Diseño de Producto al Museo Provincial de Zaragoza, para realizar una sesión de Dibujo dentro de la asignatura de Dibujo y Técnicas. Prof: Olga Moreno  


El pasado lunes se celebró la asamblea anual de DESIS. Tuvimos la oportunidad de hacer una breve presentación de nuestra reciente incorporación a la red DESIS de nuestro ESDA DESIS Lab de la mano del profesor José Chávez. En breve se lanzará la nueva web de DESIS actualizada. El fundador de la red, Ezio Manzini, … Read more
